Exercising as a Parent: Tips for Staying Active with Young Children
Becoming a parent is an amazing part of life, however, parents find themselves struggling to meet their exercise goals while navigating the challenges of parenthood.
In this blog we discuss why exercising as a parent is so important and provide strategies you can use to help increase your exercise and reap the associated health benefits.
Strength Training for a Healthy Heart: Build Muscle, Boost Cardiovascular Health
Resistance training, AKA lifting weights, is an excellent form of exercise to mitigate these modifiable risk factors. Resistance training not only strengthens your arms, legs, and core muscles but also enhances heart health. The heart, composed of muscle tissue, constantly contracts to pump blood throughout the body, delivering oxygen, hormones, and nutrients while removing waste and toxins. Similar to how leg muscles require training to gain strength, the heart needs regular exercise to become more robust and efficient at pumping blood.
Gear Up: Unlock Your Best Performance with Preseason Training
Preseason training plays a crucial role in preparing the body for the demands of a full season of competitive games, reducing the risk of injury.
This blog delves into building fitness, strength training, sports specific training and injury prevention.
Living with Arthritis
Traditionally we have described OA as ‘wear and tear’ to the joint, however recent studies suggest that OA changes within the joint (inflammation, damage to joint cartilage and ligaments, and growth of bony spurs) may be due to the body trying extra hard to heal itself. Despite the progressive nature of OA there are things that can be done to slow down the rate of degeneration and improve quality of life for people living with OA.
Interesting Advancements in ACL Research
For many years it has been widely accepted that the best treatment of an ACL rupture is immediate surgery to ‘reconstruct’ the torn ligament. This view is so common-place that many people believe surgery is their only option if they wish to return to playing competitive sport after an ACL injury.